- Understanding the Upper Spine, Shoulders & Neck–Relieve or Avoid Pain– A WorkshopSaturday, April 5, 1-3:00 PM Location: South Yuba Club, 130 West Berryhill Drive, Grass Valley, CA Cost: Sliding Scale: South Yuba Club Members: $15-$20 Non-Club Members: $20-$40 Register: tracy@fulllifeyogastudio.com Description: In this two hour workshop we will continue to learn to relieve pain along the spine from the pelvis up into the neck. We …
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- Choosing Love~ From the Spacious Heart of the Taowith Tracy Lease & Miyu Tamamura Sunday, March 2, 2024 1:00-4:00 PM Location: Mountain Stream Meditation Center Description: The decision to be the presence of love is the most powerful influence you can have in any situation in your life and in this world. ~ Robert Holden Express yourself completely, then keep quiet. Be …
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- Understanding & Practicing QigongThursday, February 27, 3-4:30 PM PST Location: Zoom Cost: $25-$45 Sliding Scale. No one turned away for lack of funds. Pay what you can. Register: tracy@fulllifeyogastudio.com Description: In this 1.5 hour workshop we will better understand the development, history and philosophy of Qigong. We will practice qigong movements and better understand how they open and relax the …
- Caring for the feet, Knees & Hips: A Yoga Alignment & Awareness WorkshopSaturday, January 25, 1-3 PM Location: South Yuba Club, 130 W. Berryhill Dr., Grass Valley, CA Cost: South Yuba Club Members: $10-$20 Sliding Scale, Non-members: $20-40 Sliding Scale Register: tracy@fulllifeyogastudio.com Description: Our feet knees and hips help us create our foundation in all standing yoga poses and are essential to healthy movement in our daily lives. …
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- Offering the Spine Love through Strengthening the Core: A Yoga Alignment & Awareness WorkshopWith Tracy Lease Saturday, February 22, 1-3 PM PST Location: South Yuba Club, 130 West Berryhill Drive, Grass Valley, CACost: SYC Members: $10-$20. Non-members: $20-$40, sliding scale. Register: tracy@fulllifeyogastudio.com Description: The Central Channel of our Spine is the apple core of our bodies. We move from the central core of our pelvis. We can learn how …