Saturday, January 25, 1-3 PM
Location: South Yuba Club, 130 W. Berryhill Dr., Grass Valley, CA
Cost: South Yuba Club Members: $10-$20 Sliding Scale, Non-members: $20-40 Sliding Scale
Register: tracy@fulllifeyogastudio.com
Description: Our feet knees and hips help us create our foundation in all standing yoga poses and are essential to healthy movement in our daily lives. In this two hour workshop we will take a good look at our feet, knees and hips and how their alignment and movements impact each other.
We will learn to set a healthy foundation with our feet, align the knees for optimal longevity and health, and pay attention to how we seat the pelvis over the legs. We will consider these body parts in yoga poses and daily life activities and then will explore some therapeutic ways to care for feet, knees and hips and their relationships with each other. This will be an informative class and an active yoga exploration. Come learn so you can be empowered inside your body!
(Any person who attends this or other SYC yoga workshops with Tracy through April 30 will receive a one-time $50 discount if they join the Full Life Yoga Teacher Training at the South Yuba Club May 23-Sept 28, 2025)