Understanding the Upper Spine, Shoulders & Neck–Relieve or Avoid Pain– A Workshop


Saturday, April 5,  1-3:00 PM


South Yuba Club, 130 West Berryhill Drive, Grass Valley, CA

Cost:  Sliding Scale:  

South Yuba Club Members:  $15-$20

Non-Club Members: $20-$40

Register:  tracy@fulllifeyogastudio.com


In this two hour workshop we will continue to learn to relieve pain along the spine from the pelvis up into the neck.  We will evaluate postures, feeling  for shifts in our pelvis, spine, shoulder girdle and neck.

We will learn some anatomy first and then do exercises to feel into  specific areas of the spine. These exercises are designed to empower you to find balance in your own unique body, whether you have had an injury, have scoliosis, stenosis or other postural alignment challenges.

We will play with the relationship between hips, shoulders and neck finding our tight places and our weak lengthened areas.  Then we will try on various exercises to help us build balance.  We will feel into what activation and release we can concentrate on in yoga poses, Qigong and Pilates exercises to bring harmony to the physical body.

We will learn to see how a postural shifts in the hips can impact the thoracic spine of the rib cage and the cervical spine of the neck. We will learn cues that can help students place pelvis thoughtfully- helping them to align the diamond of the pelvic floor, and  postural awareness rings for greater ease of movement.

We will also work more with aligning the hyoid bone in the neck to ease lower back pain.  Since the spine is our central channel, the work goes both directions, up and down the spine.

This will build on our last workshop while also standing independently.

Hope you can join me!