With Tracy Lease
Location: South Yuba Club, 130 West Berryhill Drive, Grass Valley, CACost: SYC Members: $10-$20. Non-members: $20-$40, sliding scale.
Register: tracy@fulllifeyogastudio.com
Description: The Central Channel of our Spine is the apple core of our bodies. We move from the central core of our pelvis. We can learn how to take care of the spine and move with fluid ease if we better understand the core. This awareness can help us with any activity we do, from swimming to pickle ball, weight lifting to Pilates and Yoga.
In this workshop we will learn how to activate the inner core muscles, to awaken our awareness of them so that they turn on before the outer core and keep the spine safe. We will learn to strengthen, activate and lengthen around the whole circumference of the spine so our yoga poses and other activities are safe and integrated. This will be an informative class and an active yoga exploration. Come learn so you will be empowered inside your own body!
(Any person who attends this or other SYC yoga workshops with Tracy before through April 30 will receive a one-time $50 discount if they join the Full Life Yoga Teacher Training at the South Yuba Club May 23-Sept 28, 2025)