Feet, Knees & Hips~ Building Whole Body Awareness

Wednesday, September 6, 3-4:00 PM PST

Location: Zoom

Cost: $20

Register:  tracy@fulllifeyogastudio.com

Description: In this workshop we will continue to make connections, exploring the relationship between our feet, knees & hips.  We will see how these areas of our body and their alignment impact each other. We will learn exercises that will help us stabilize the feet to support the knees and hips. We will feel into the hips and the impact they have on knees and feet. Hopefully, we will all have ah-ha moments in our own bodies.

Many people injure their knees in yoga.  In this workshop we will take a close look at essential practices for protecting your knees in yoga and in life.

Come to class ready to get to know your feet, knees and hips and their relationships with each other more intimately :-).

This is a Svadhyaya, self-study practice.