Hips, Spine and Foundation: Postural Alignment in Asana & Life

Wednesday, September 27, 3-4:00 PM PST

Location: Zoom

Cost: $20

Register:  tracy@fulllifeyogastudio.com


In this one hour course we will evaluate posture, feeling down from the pelvis into our feet and up from the pelvis into the spine.

We will play with the relationship between hips and feet and hips and spine through postural awareness exercises– tilting, rotating, and shifting the pelvis to look for the impact on spine, knees and feet.

We will learn to see how a postural shift in the hips can impact the thoracic spine of the rib cage and the cervical spine of the neck. We will learn cues that can help students place pelvis thoughtfully- helping them to align the diamond of the pelvic floor, and  their iliac crest. We will also discuss, osteoporosis, scoliosis, and other spinal alignment issues that may require we offer modifications to keep students safe in yoga postures.