Online Classes

Pilates Fun


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If going to a Zoom class, all you need to do is click the link below for the specific class, register, and you will be moved directly into the Zoom room and will be ready to go.

Prices are now sliding scale. If paying for a month subscription, please pay at the beginning of each month.

Contact me if you would like to pay by check. (This is great for me!)
You are also welcome to use the PayPal button below.

Thank you for your support!

  • Single Class: Suggested Price $18-$20
  • One Class a Week: Suggested Subscription price of $65-$75/month
  • Two Classes or more (up to 5) a week: Suggested Subscription price of $125-$150/month

*If you have lost work and cannot pay, please attend classes free of charge for your health and well-being.


Description:  Welcome to a moving mindfulness practice.  We start with exploring our breath.  Then in Qigong, we move body with breath and feel into the energy pulsing through us. As we  let go of our daily activities and the mind relaxes, we may release often held tension from the body-mind. We become more meditative. Now we can  work on deepening the stretches, improving balance, building core tone and resilience. These classes are a journey of self-discovery, and body-mind awareness. From class, we re-enter our lives in tune with our witnessing self and more aware of our ability to practice ease and flow during each day.


Description: We begin class with a focus on the breath and turn our gaze inward.  Once we are breath-aware we awaken the core and integrate limbs into the core of the body.  From here we step into asana pose sequences.  We stretch, balance, building core awareness  and resilience. We look for stability and fluidity in our poses. This class is a journey of self-discovery, and body-mind awareness which help us live more consciously in our day-to-day lives. This is a level two class so previous experience of yoga is important.


Description: This level 1 & 2 Pilates mat class helps students become more aware of the connection of limbs with the spinal core of the body. As we gain awareness of muscles we activate when we move, we will strengthen and lengthen the spine, and feel into moving from the core. This class is a great supplement to a yoga practice as well as strengthening us for hiking, biking, skiing, moving furniture, mowing the lawn, gardening and many other activities.


Description: Tune into your breath, unwind, and learn to align your body in a variety of yoga poses. Beginners can learn healthy alignment and more advanced students improve alignment to take into a flow class or personal practice. Strengthen your body, improve your balance, stretch yourselves open and then enjoy a restorative posture before savasana.


Description: This active Pilates mat class helps students become more aware of the connection of limbs with the spinal core of the body. As we gain awareness of muscles we activate when we move, we will strengthen and lengthen the spine, and feel into moving from the core. This class is a great supplement to a yoga practice as well as building awareness and strength for hiking, biking, skiing, moving furniture, mowing the lawn, gardening and many other activities.